Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Reel Booze Podcast #4 Beefest

Episode 4: BEERFEST

Come along and ride on a... fantastic voyage. In this episode, the Reel Booze crew heads to BEERFEST!

Joining Jay and Ken for this special after school episode are Dan the Mopar Man and Chad the Buttologist. Enjoy the journey as the guys discuss a variety of topics ranging anywhere from the tearing down of the Berlin Wall to the finer points of drinking from a glass boot.

Grab a copy of the movie, your favorite beer and some friends because WE'RE NOT THAT DRUNK! And that's a problem. Ladies and gentlemen, Reel Booze proudly presents... BEERFEST!

The Reel Booze Podcast #3 - G.I. JOE: The Movie (1987)

Episode 3: G.I. JOE: The Movie (1987)
YO JOE!!!!!!

The Reel Booze crew is proud to present The Real American Hero. Joining Ken and Jay for this special episode is JOE himself. The Joemaster from Sac Town: Joe Deas.

Joe can be found as a writer/reviewer over at when he's not out saving the world. His GI JOE and TRANSFORMER knowledge is epic.

So find some JOE'S PREMIUM AMERICAN PILSNER, sit back, and have your mind blown with red and/or blue lasers.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Reel Booze Podcast #2- The Thing (1982)

Real Ultimate Geeks
Reel Booze! 

Relaunching the finest drunk movie audio commentary ever made.

Not only the original episodes but "extra features" such as sound checks, off mic conversations, and maybe a special sync or two.

You can also find us at

Season 1 "Alcoholics Unanimous" 


In studio Ken and Jay have Dan Dan the Mopar Man and a very special guest, an expert on everything THING - Jerry.

Learn history, behind the scenes, and gain a different perspective on one of the greatest horror movies of all time John Carpenter's 1982 horror masterpiece THE THING